Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Time Flies

So, I've obviously been pretty bad about sticking to the deal with myself of at least one post a week. But I know that after I get back out to college, I'll get better about it. Wow. The time really has flown since my last post. That was like, toward the beginning of summer wasn't it?! And in the time that's past I've had three jobs, re-designed my room, spent the most amazing week with the man of my dreams, and am about to go back to school! There was plenty to update on, I'm just lame :( I guess that means I'll have to give you the short story.

I'll start with my jobs. I started as an ANS boat inspector at Prewitt Reservoir and I worked an 8 hour shift, 4 days a week, most hours from 5am-2pm. And all I did was read books and watch movies in the freaking hot sun! Not the funnest of times haha. On top of that, I lost the job after like 6 weeks because of the terrible drought conditions and the lake went dry. So, then I had to scramble for another job. But before that, I started working another job. I was babysitting the Conner boys! I had them a couple of summers ago before I went to school and I got to watch them again this summer. Some days were an absolute joy and other days I questioned why I want to be a parent so bad haha but I love those boys so so much and I hope our paths cross again next summer! I got to watch them until the end of July :) The last job I had was a complete blessing! I worked for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife as a boat inspector, and it just so happened that there was an opening just until I needed to leave! So it was like a month long position and it would be a million times better than Prewitt with the same pay :) oh boy were my prayers answered on that one!

My room has bright green walls and elctra blue trim now. Totally Rizzo style :) I wish I woulda taken some pictures, but I've been terrible about that, but maybe I will when my room is finally clean again haha I started re-doing my room before Aaron came out so that it would look like I actually lived in it haha and hopefully it helped him feel a little more at home while he was here. I love it though! I wish I could keep all this hard work I put into it for more than just a couple months, but I may move back permanently after this next year away, so we'll see!

I did have the opportunity to spend the most amazing week here in Colorado with my Aaron <3 it was incredible! I've never had as surreal a moment as when I watched him walk out of the terminal and run over to me as I ran toward him. I had dreamed of it so many times that when it finally happened, it still felt like a dream. We felt that way, I think, all the way up until the next day when it finally started sinking in that he was actually here at my house! We just hung out that day, and me and Taysa and Cade showed him around the house and introduced him to all of our animals. Over the 7 days we had together we: Went out with my BFF's Emily, Nikki, and Shelbi. Went swimming with Taysa and Cade. Aaron rode dirt bikes with Kix and Ace while I watched and had a heart attack. Visited to the Denver Zoo and out to eat with my family. Hung out at the Denver Temple. And also went up to Monte Vista and Aaron got to meet my Grandparents and some of my Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. We ended our week on an unexpected high because we got to change his flight to a day later so we could drive during the day instead of all night :) I fell in love with him more in those 7 days than I had the whole rest of our relationship, and I still fall harder and harder every single day.

Aaron and I at the Denver Temple. I love this picture, we are so darn good looking! :)
Awesome picture taking skills by Kix!
The Fam with the seal haha this was such a great day! Wish mom woulda been in the pic <3

Yup. He does make me smile. That kid <3

Today is the day. He's headed to the Missionary Training Center. At this very moment. I'm so excited for him :) I thought that today I was gonna be a wreck, but I'm not! He said, "We're not saying goodbye, this is just another chapter in the story of us." Which I love and it has helped me and will help me through all the hard times. I'm so grateful for his strong testimony and for his desire to help others and especially for his faith. Knowing that this next two years is going to be a huge blessing and he is going to bless so so many people is not an easy thing for two people so in love to understand. But because we love each other for the right reasons, we know that if we put God first, he will do what's best for us <3 I can't wait to see him again and I'll be sure to update y'all on how he's doing :)

<3 God Be With You Till We Meet Again <3


  1. Larissa, I know we weren't really friends when you were in high school, but I felt the need to post this. It brings tears to my eyes when I read about how strong and positive you are about the love of your life being away from you for so such a long time. I wish I could be that way. I was freaked out when Kyle was even considering going to the national guard and be gone for only half the time that Aaron will be gone. Anyway, I hope all goes well while he is away and that you have a great year at college.

    1. Alexis, You don't know how much it means to me to hear you say that. I don't feel very strong and positive sometimes, but I know that if I can be this will be a much easier time :) Thank you so much for taking the time to give me support. It is helps so much! I hope everything goes well with you and you have a wonderful last year of high school! And that you and Kyle have a happily ever after together :)
