Monday, September 3, 2012

Guess Who's Back?!

MMMMEEEEE!!! I'm back at school, the ever lovely SVU :) I've been here for 2 weeks exactly today and I have been loving it! The past couple weeks we have been having 3-a-day volleyball practices which I absolutely LOVED! Some of the things we did were; 6:45AM TapOut/Insanity work outs, 2 sessions of 2 hour go-as-hard-as-you-can-for-as-long-as-you-can practices, a 20 minute drop-dead tiring circut, and created a music video!! That's right, we made a music video! Here it is :)

So fun :) I have really been enjoying all my new team mates and it's great being back with my old ones! But, unfortunately my playing of volleyball has been temporarily post-poned. Why might you ask? Turns out, toe injuries aren't exactly a walk in the park. They are however, quite painful. And ridiculously annoying.

So that stupid little bruise (it almost looks worse from the back but I decided to not double gross out anyone who decided they wanted to read this) is preventing my plans from working out like I had originally planned. But it already feels a lot better today than it did yesterday so I'm hoping it's just a bad jam, not a break like people seem to think.
On a happier note! I absolutely LOVE my house! Even more my house mates Shelbi Prince and Tori Faulkner, and an absolutely awesome roomie Dani Wall :) This is our house!
Big one is my room (Top bunk is mine as well as the desk, isn't that carpet sick? Not the good kind of sick either. . .) Top Right: Our Bathroom, Middle Right: Our Closet/Drawers, Bottom Right: My Dresser, Bottom Middle: KITCHEN!! (I absolutely adore being able to make my own food finally.) Bottom Left: Living Room (We were still trying to sell our mini fridges from the year before so 3 of them were just chilling there for awhile.)
It's so cute huh?! I love it. I did like The Lofts which is where I stayed last year, and I got lucky to get into the nicest town house they have in our complex. Oh! If you'd like to write me, here is my address :)
Larissa Conger
300 E.30th St. Apt. 303 B
Buena Vista, VA 24416

Speaking of letters, I have received my first batch of letters from my mish Aaron in the past few weeks!! I never new that a piece of paper with a few scribbled lines of a love note could make me so ridiculously happy :) Unfortunately, my relationship with my mailbox is getting a bit obsessive. I admit I threw a bit of a temper tantrum today when I remembered that someone decided the mail man should have the day off on Labor Day. Sorry buddy, but you better produce tomorrow or you'll have an angry MG on your hands! It's really hard being back at SVU without my best friend. Our memories are ALL OVER! I literally can't go 2 minutes without thinking about him or praying for him. Aaron seems to be doing extremely well though! He is really gaining a testimony of missionary work, as well as understanding better the love of our Savior Jesus Christ and all that his atonement has done for us. I love that he can bear his testimony of his growth with me and it just helps mine grow even stronger with his. His optimistic attitude and hard work are really motivating me to become the absolute best woman I can be. I want to become the person, daughter, mother, and wife that Heavenly Father needs me to be and I really feel like I'm on the right track :)

We actually start classes here at SVU tomorrow and I am super excited. I've been looking forward to getting a routine going for my days. This is my class schedule.
I also have an Institute class, Doctrines of the Gospel on Monday's and Wednesday's at 10:00 :)
How could I forget?! I got to fly FIRST CLASS on my way out to VA this year! They cancelled my first flight so they automatically upgraded me. It was definitely an awesome experience :) I got several perks, best of which being my 2 checked bags got to fly FREE saving me 60 bucks, and I got to hop in the speedy security line which saved me probably 20 minutes. I also got an extremely roomy seat, fully supplied with blanket and pillow for napping, and FOOD!! Check it.

We got a legit glass! And, they let me keep the WHOLE CAN of pop! I also didn't have time to eat breakfast/lunch so the fact that is was provided was beyond awesome :) And that cake was delicious, but I only ate like 1/4 of it because it was so rich haha (Yes mom, I ate some of it, I HAD to!! ;] )
I'm going to recommit myself right now to getting back on track and actually writing once a week. But, I apologize in advance for my short comings, I promise I'm always trying to get better :) I'm gonna go ahead and call it a night, well for the blog anyway. I hope you've had a great day. And don't forget to smile! :)

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