Monday, September 3, 2012

Guess Who's Back?!

MMMMEEEEE!!! I'm back at school, the ever lovely SVU :) I've been here for 2 weeks exactly today and I have been loving it! The past couple weeks we have been having 3-a-day volleyball practices which I absolutely LOVED! Some of the things we did were; 6:45AM TapOut/Insanity work outs, 2 sessions of 2 hour go-as-hard-as-you-can-for-as-long-as-you-can practices, a 20 minute drop-dead tiring circut, and created a music video!! That's right, we made a music video! Here it is :)

So fun :) I have really been enjoying all my new team mates and it's great being back with my old ones! But, unfortunately my playing of volleyball has been temporarily post-poned. Why might you ask? Turns out, toe injuries aren't exactly a walk in the park. They are however, quite painful. And ridiculously annoying.

So that stupid little bruise (it almost looks worse from the back but I decided to not double gross out anyone who decided they wanted to read this) is preventing my plans from working out like I had originally planned. But it already feels a lot better today than it did yesterday so I'm hoping it's just a bad jam, not a break like people seem to think.
On a happier note! I absolutely LOVE my house! Even more my house mates Shelbi Prince and Tori Faulkner, and an absolutely awesome roomie Dani Wall :) This is our house!
Big one is my room (Top bunk is mine as well as the desk, isn't that carpet sick? Not the good kind of sick either. . .) Top Right: Our Bathroom, Middle Right: Our Closet/Drawers, Bottom Right: My Dresser, Bottom Middle: KITCHEN!! (I absolutely adore being able to make my own food finally.) Bottom Left: Living Room (We were still trying to sell our mini fridges from the year before so 3 of them were just chilling there for awhile.)
It's so cute huh?! I love it. I did like The Lofts which is where I stayed last year, and I got lucky to get into the nicest town house they have in our complex. Oh! If you'd like to write me, here is my address :)
Larissa Conger
300 E.30th St. Apt. 303 B
Buena Vista, VA 24416

Speaking of letters, I have received my first batch of letters from my mish Aaron in the past few weeks!! I never new that a piece of paper with a few scribbled lines of a love note could make me so ridiculously happy :) Unfortunately, my relationship with my mailbox is getting a bit obsessive. I admit I threw a bit of a temper tantrum today when I remembered that someone decided the mail man should have the day off on Labor Day. Sorry buddy, but you better produce tomorrow or you'll have an angry MG on your hands! It's really hard being back at SVU without my best friend. Our memories are ALL OVER! I literally can't go 2 minutes without thinking about him or praying for him. Aaron seems to be doing extremely well though! He is really gaining a testimony of missionary work, as well as understanding better the love of our Savior Jesus Christ and all that his atonement has done for us. I love that he can bear his testimony of his growth with me and it just helps mine grow even stronger with his. His optimistic attitude and hard work are really motivating me to become the absolute best woman I can be. I want to become the person, daughter, mother, and wife that Heavenly Father needs me to be and I really feel like I'm on the right track :)

We actually start classes here at SVU tomorrow and I am super excited. I've been looking forward to getting a routine going for my days. This is my class schedule.
I also have an Institute class, Doctrines of the Gospel on Monday's and Wednesday's at 10:00 :)
How could I forget?! I got to fly FIRST CLASS on my way out to VA this year! They cancelled my first flight so they automatically upgraded me. It was definitely an awesome experience :) I got several perks, best of which being my 2 checked bags got to fly FREE saving me 60 bucks, and I got to hop in the speedy security line which saved me probably 20 minutes. I also got an extremely roomy seat, fully supplied with blanket and pillow for napping, and FOOD!! Check it.

We got a legit glass! And, they let me keep the WHOLE CAN of pop! I also didn't have time to eat breakfast/lunch so the fact that is was provided was beyond awesome :) And that cake was delicious, but I only ate like 1/4 of it because it was so rich haha (Yes mom, I ate some of it, I HAD to!! ;] )
I'm going to recommit myself right now to getting back on track and actually writing once a week. But, I apologize in advance for my short comings, I promise I'm always trying to get better :) I'm gonna go ahead and call it a night, well for the blog anyway. I hope you've had a great day. And don't forget to smile! :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Time Flies

So, I've obviously been pretty bad about sticking to the deal with myself of at least one post a week. But I know that after I get back out to college, I'll get better about it. Wow. The time really has flown since my last post. That was like, toward the beginning of summer wasn't it?! And in the time that's past I've had three jobs, re-designed my room, spent the most amazing week with the man of my dreams, and am about to go back to school! There was plenty to update on, I'm just lame :( I guess that means I'll have to give you the short story.

I'll start with my jobs. I started as an ANS boat inspector at Prewitt Reservoir and I worked an 8 hour shift, 4 days a week, most hours from 5am-2pm. And all I did was read books and watch movies in the freaking hot sun! Not the funnest of times haha. On top of that, I lost the job after like 6 weeks because of the terrible drought conditions and the lake went dry. So, then I had to scramble for another job. But before that, I started working another job. I was babysitting the Conner boys! I had them a couple of summers ago before I went to school and I got to watch them again this summer. Some days were an absolute joy and other days I questioned why I want to be a parent so bad haha but I love those boys so so much and I hope our paths cross again next summer! I got to watch them until the end of July :) The last job I had was a complete blessing! I worked for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife as a boat inspector, and it just so happened that there was an opening just until I needed to leave! So it was like a month long position and it would be a million times better than Prewitt with the same pay :) oh boy were my prayers answered on that one!

My room has bright green walls and elctra blue trim now. Totally Rizzo style :) I wish I woulda taken some pictures, but I've been terrible about that, but maybe I will when my room is finally clean again haha I started re-doing my room before Aaron came out so that it would look like I actually lived in it haha and hopefully it helped him feel a little more at home while he was here. I love it though! I wish I could keep all this hard work I put into it for more than just a couple months, but I may move back permanently after this next year away, so we'll see!

I did have the opportunity to spend the most amazing week here in Colorado with my Aaron <3 it was incredible! I've never had as surreal a moment as when I watched him walk out of the terminal and run over to me as I ran toward him. I had dreamed of it so many times that when it finally happened, it still felt like a dream. We felt that way, I think, all the way up until the next day when it finally started sinking in that he was actually here at my house! We just hung out that day, and me and Taysa and Cade showed him around the house and introduced him to all of our animals. Over the 7 days we had together we: Went out with my BFF's Emily, Nikki, and Shelbi. Went swimming with Taysa and Cade. Aaron rode dirt bikes with Kix and Ace while I watched and had a heart attack. Visited to the Denver Zoo and out to eat with my family. Hung out at the Denver Temple. And also went up to Monte Vista and Aaron got to meet my Grandparents and some of my Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. We ended our week on an unexpected high because we got to change his flight to a day later so we could drive during the day instead of all night :) I fell in love with him more in those 7 days than I had the whole rest of our relationship, and I still fall harder and harder every single day.

Aaron and I at the Denver Temple. I love this picture, we are so darn good looking! :)
Awesome picture taking skills by Kix!
The Fam with the seal haha this was such a great day! Wish mom woulda been in the pic <3

Yup. He does make me smile. That kid <3

Today is the day. He's headed to the Missionary Training Center. At this very moment. I'm so excited for him :) I thought that today I was gonna be a wreck, but I'm not! He said, "We're not saying goodbye, this is just another chapter in the story of us." Which I love and it has helped me and will help me through all the hard times. I'm so grateful for his strong testimony and for his desire to help others and especially for his faith. Knowing that this next two years is going to be a huge blessing and he is going to bless so so many people is not an easy thing for two people so in love to understand. But because we love each other for the right reasons, we know that if we put God first, he will do what's best for us <3 I can't wait to see him again and I'll be sure to update y'all on how he's doing :)

<3 God Be With You Till We Meet Again <3

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

About Time!

So. . .it's actually about time for a lot of things. One being that I finally share this Blog on Facebook so that way people can see it (since it's only been a month since I wrote my first post!) Also, it's about time I get committed to this thing. I mentioned that I've been terrible about journaling or keeping any record of my life what-so-ever, so I have a goal to post AT LEAST once a week. If you're reading this, try to keep me honest! I'm sure my mom will be good at wanting me to once I get back out to college ;)

For this post, it's also about time I announce that my Aaron finally received his mission call!! I was soooo excited for him and still am. I have posted the video of him opening his call here because I feel that if there was a YouTube dedicated specifically to Mormons/Mission Call Openings, I have no doubt this would be the video with the most hits. (I'm on the phone he refused to put down, because there was a really bad storm and Skype wasn't working so he felt bad haha)

MY BABY IS GOING TO BOISE!!! :D Freaking hilarious though, right?!? (Thank goodness all I have to worry about is them viscous Boise gangs!) But all joking aside, I am so proud of him. The journey to get him to this point has been hard and he has pushed through every trial with determination. Through his perseverance, he has strengthened my testimony of the true gospel of Jesus Christ. We've been able to grow closer as not only a couple but as friends. He knows me better than anyone. I know that these next 2 years are going to be so tough, but they will make us the people we need to be and ultimately be one of the best times of our lives, and I can't wait to continue this journey with him!

Also something that is far overdue. . .I GET TO SEE HIM AGAIN!! July 11th. Next Wednesday. Week from tomorrow. I'm STOKED! :) After being apart for over two months (we've only been dating for 4. . .Happy one-day-late 4 month anniversary baby! haha) I'm so happy I will get to spend a week with im before he heads of to the more exotic places and spaces of Boise, Idaho. Don't worry, I'll tell you all about our adventures! Well, I think that does it for tonight. Gotta go skype my sweetie :)

P.S. I'm really self conscious about making this blog public so. . .yeah haha don't make fun of me. :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Much Needed Blog

Well. . .I've finally given in and decided to start a blog. I've wanted to for awhile now and I've desperately needed to get better about keeping some kind of journal so I'm hoping this will help me out! So anyway, this is my story :)
Here's me! Larissa K Conger :) This was an entire summer ago but I don't have any decent recent pictures of just me.

I was born on the 3rd of February (and still can't manage to spell the month right without saying Feb-brew-ary. . .) and have lived a little longer than 19 years.

L to R: My daddy Larry, Me, Cade (almost 11), Kix (16), Taysa (8), Ace (14), and my mommy Rhonda.

And here is my fam-dam-ily. I love them sooo much. I just returned home from my first year away at college, and being home is one of the sweetest feelings in the world. Even though the arguments can get heated and the annoyances mounting, we love each other through it. I wouldn't be the woman I am today with out each and everyone of them, particularly my mom. She has taught me the hardest lessons to learn in life and has always been there to offer me support and advice, even when I lack in showing my gratitude. She is one of the easiest people to talk to, I know I can share any problem I have with her, and she will do what she can to make it right. We are best friends and will be forever and ever!

L to R: Emily, Me, Shelbi, and Nikki
Merino High School Graduation
Class of 2011

And these three lovely ladies have been my best friends since 1st grade! They know me better than everyone and not many people can say they've had the same best friends since they were 6. I want these beautiful ladies to be with me for every milestone (as they have already carried me through many) and look forward to the many many more great times we have ahead of us! We laughed, cried, done both at the same time, and been there for each other through everything! I love you girls like sisters <3

Peeta and Katniss. . .with Nerf guns of course.

Speaking of best friends. . .this is my man, my sweetie, my love, Aaron Steele Macfarlane <3 We met at the beginning of spring semester at Southern Virginia University and developed an awesome group of friends (formally known as the SVU Swag Squad.) We started dating March 2nd 2012, and it has been the best 3 months of my life :) He is the most selfless person I know not to mention the sweetest, funniest, kindest, and most loving man I could ever hope for. He'll be leaving soon to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and I am so flippin' proud of him! I'll be anxiously awaiting his return!! Oh and by the way, I love you Aaron. :)

I guess maybe to finish off this first post I could do a basic question and answer :)
About Larissa: 
(Found this in my Facebook Notes haha)
ABC's of Me
A - AVAILABLE: No sir! :)
B - BIRTHDAY: February 3rd 1993
C- CRUSHING ON: Oh this one real special man <3
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Aaron and my mom
F - FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT: Wanted by Hunter Hayes
H - HOMETOWN: Merino, CO
I - IN LOVE WITH: Mr. Aaron Steele Macfarlane
J - JUGGLE: Absolutely can not lol
K - KILLED SOMEONE: Whoa now...I sure thought the K was gonna be something more pleasant!
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Driving out to Southern Virginia University
M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: Strawberry Banana
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 4, 3 brothers and 1 sister, all younger
O - ONE WISH: All the people I love could be truely happy
R- REASON TO SMILE: Many Many :) Mostly Aaron! haha
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: The one by Miranda Lambert about Jesus having a heart like mine :)
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 6:00 am :) Had to wish my man luck on his first day of work!
U - UNDERESTIMATED QUALITIES: My sense of humor ;) 
V - VEGETABLE(S): Sweet corn, carrots, any salad really, I actually quite like most veggies :)
W - WORST HABIT: Biting the inside of my lips/nails and touching my face when i'm distracted :/
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD MOST RECENTLY: Probably the ones they do on your teeth at the dentist haha
Y - YOYOS ARE: So cool!! I wish I could do cool tricks with them though....
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Aquarius

Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels: Lrss K Cngr :)
Your favorite number: 31♥ (basketball number)
What color do you wear most: I wear all sorts of colors!! But probably blues and browns
Least favorite color: I like most all colors. . .except like yellowy brownish green. . . :p
What are you listening to: The Proposal and the static from my phone waiting for Aaron to come back
Are you happy with your life right now: Ecstatic :) I love it, couldn't be much happier!
What is your favorite class in school: Probable Chior or Art
Who is your best friend: Aaron♥My mom♥Emily♥Nikki♥Shelbi
When do you start back at school/college: I start 2-adays for volleyball August 20th :)
Are you outgoing?: Yep I like to think so :)
Favorite pair of shoes: My black Nike flip-flops
Can you dance: HECK YA!! I love dancing :)
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth: Haha I only did it one time, so idk maybe!
Can you whistle: Not loudly but I can carry a tune
Write with both hands: Haha ishy I guess...But the left hand isn't very pretty :/
Cross your eyes: I have to follow my finger in to do it right otherwise just my left eye goes in lol it's wierd...
Walk with your toes curled: Probably...that sounds like it hurts though! Yep i tried, don't like it...
Do you believe there is life on other planets: Yeah probably in a completely different universe though. And I think there alot like us :)
Do you believe in miracles: Yes, I most certainly do.
Do you believe in magic: I believe in God. He has his own magic :)
Love at first sight: Depends on the situation I guess
Do you believe in Satan: Yes
Do you believe in Santa: Of Course!!!
Do you know how to swim: Gotta love swimmin!! :)
Do you like roller coasters: Yep I do :) Although I do scream. . .a lot.
Have you ever been on a plane: Yes a few times
Have you ever asked someone out: I'm not really sure. I don't think so. Even though my previous answer was yes. haha
Have you ever been asked out by someone: Yeah I have
Have you ever been to the ocean: Yeah it's is soooo beautiful! I love it :)
Have you ever painted your nails: Um....duh :)

What was the last restaurant you ate at: I think China King or whatever it's called with Shelbi and Emily
What was the last thing you bought: Gas I'm pretty sure lol
What was the last thing on TV you watched: The Proposal :)
Who was the last person you IM'd: Tyson Urritia
Who was the last person you took a picture of: Myself I think loll
Who was the last person you said I love you to: Aaron <3
Ever really cried your heart out: Oh yeah...
Ever cried yourself to sleep: Yep....several times.
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder: Yes and I love them so much for it♥
Ever cried over the opposite sex: Haha more then they deserve probably....
Do you cry when you get an injury: Pretty much inevitable :( I'm a cry baby
Do certain songs make you cry: Quite a few actually...
Are you a happy person: Well....YES! DUH! :)
What is your current hair color: Light Brown
What shirt are you wearing: SVU Basketball :)
Pants: Kearney VB shorts
Shoes: Bare Footsies
Necklaces: None! Wow I almost always am wearing one
Favorite eye color: Green! (just happens to be Aaron's) :)
Short or long hair: I perfer like medium short I guess. . .not buzzed and not in their eyes
Height: Taller then me is best!
Have you ever:
Been in jail: Haha I was a silly little girl. . .no I haven't.
Mooned someone: Haha no and don't think I've ever had the urge to do so
Tried to commit suicide: That's just depressing.
Laughed so hard, you cried: All the time!! lol
Cried in school: I feel bad for my classmates.
Wanted to be a model: I guess I went through a phase after watching America's Next Top Model lol but not really
Seen a dead body: Yes....
Gone skinny dipping: Noppers lol
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King
Single or Group Dates: I like both, but single :)
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Strawberries or Blueberries: Stawberries!!
Meat or Veggies: Meat :)
TV or Movie: Movie
Guitar or Drums: Either one but for me to play I'd like the guitar
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Chinese or Mexican: Chinese! :)

Well that was fun, I didn't have to change most of my answers either so that was cool. Anyway, until next time!