Tuesday, July 3, 2012

About Time!

So. . .it's actually about time for a lot of things. One being that I finally share this Blog on Facebook so that way people can see it (since it's only been a month since I wrote my first post!) Also, it's about time I get committed to this thing. I mentioned that I've been terrible about journaling or keeping any record of my life what-so-ever, so I have a goal to post AT LEAST once a week. If you're reading this, try to keep me honest! I'm sure my mom will be good at wanting me to once I get back out to college ;)

For this post, it's also about time I announce that my Aaron finally received his mission call!! I was soooo excited for him and still am. I have posted the video of him opening his call here because I feel that if there was a YouTube dedicated specifically to Mormons/Mission Call Openings, I have no doubt this would be the video with the most hits. (I'm on the phone he refused to put down, because there was a really bad storm and Skype wasn't working so he felt bad haha)

MY BABY IS GOING TO BOISE!!! :D Freaking hilarious though, right?!? (Thank goodness all I have to worry about is them viscous Boise gangs!) But all joking aside, I am so proud of him. The journey to get him to this point has been hard and he has pushed through every trial with determination. Through his perseverance, he has strengthened my testimony of the true gospel of Jesus Christ. We've been able to grow closer as not only a couple but as friends. He knows me better than anyone. I know that these next 2 years are going to be so tough, but they will make us the people we need to be and ultimately be one of the best times of our lives, and I can't wait to continue this journey with him!

Also something that is far overdue. . .I GET TO SEE HIM AGAIN!! July 11th. Next Wednesday. Week from tomorrow. I'm STOKED! :) After being apart for over two months (we've only been dating for 4. . .Happy one-day-late 4 month anniversary baby! haha) I'm so happy I will get to spend a week with im before he heads of to the more exotic places and spaces of Boise, Idaho. Don't worry, I'll tell you all about our adventures! Well, I think that does it for tonight. Gotta go skype my sweetie :)

P.S. I'm really self conscious about making this blog public so. . .yeah haha don't make fun of me. :)

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